Foia Requests
ISFA Freedom of Information Act Procedures
The following are the Ilinois Sports Faciities Authority guidelines regarding requests for information under the Freedom of Information Act (the Act).
- Inspection of public records will be conducted during normal business hours at ISFA’s office or such other location designated by the ISFA FOIA Officer. An employee of ISFA may be present through the inspection. A requester may be prohibited from bringing bags, brief cases, or other containers into the inspection room. Documents which the requester wishes to have copies of shall be segregated during the course of the inspection.
- All requests for records must be submitted in writing. Oral requests will not be honored. Email is preferred. The attached form is provided as a convenience but is not required to be used. However the request should contain the name and contact information of the requester as well as a clear description of the records sought. Note: ISFA will not interpret or advise requesters as to the meaning or significance of the public records.
- The request may be delivered by mail, facsimile, or email during ISFA’s normal business hours (Monday through Friday, excluding holidays, between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.). FOIA requests received at any other time will be docketed as received at 9:00 a.m. on the next business day.
- To submit your request via email, complete the PDF form and email it to us as an “attached” document to:
Maria Saldana, General Counsel
Illinois Sports Facilities Authority
333 W. 35th Street
Chicago, IL 60616
P. (312) 674-5594
F. (312) 674-5591
- We have found that most requests can be fulfilled by sending PDF document(s) to the requester. In the event that the requested documents exceed email capacity, ISFA will load the documents into an electronic Drop Box that the user can access.
- In the event that the requester prefers to receive paper copies of the information, a copying fee may be required. Unless the copying fee is waived as provided in the Act, or otherwise established by law, a requester shall pay the following fees for copying, certification, and mailing of public records:
- For black and white, letter or legal sized copies, the first 50 pages are free, and the charges for additional pages shall be 15 cents per page.
- For color or abnormal sized copies, the municipality may charge the actual cost of copying. Where the services of an outside vendor are used to copy any public record, the actual charges of such outside vendor shall be the fees for copying such records.
- For electronic copies the fee shall be the actual cost of the recording medium
(tape, CD, disk, etc.). - Certification — $1.00 per document plus copy cost.
- Mailing — Cost of Postage.